Hossi Boshi
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HOSSI BOSHI Forum is back!!!

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HOSSI BOSHI Forum is back!!! Empty HOSSI BOSHI Forum is back!!!

Post by cradthhelverd Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:40 pm

It's been a long time, guys. Smile
Welcome back to Hossi Boshi Forum.
I didn't notice there are so many new members here.
Sorry for late member approval.

Since I'm not native english speaker and been busy
with the other forums, I had entrusted this forum
to some moderators until I found that they are inactive for years.
So I'll try my best to be more active in this forum.
Feels free to ask anything about the game. Smile

I was created this forum for everyone
(indonesian & non indonesian) around the world.
Let's share, discuss and have fun! Smile

Best regards,


Quest : 253
Astral Power : 1780
Level : 26


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